
Timika is a city in Indonesia and the capital of the province of East Nusa Tenggara. It is located on the island of Timor, south of Flores and near the Indonesian island of Atauro. This city is surrounded by villages including Tokama and Sibarani. Its population is estimated to be around 44,000 residents with many residents living in its suburbs. The city’s main industry is mining, with companies such as Bumi Resources International Mining (BRIM), PT Gemas Jaya Berau (formerly PT Gemaco Indonesia) and PT Krakatau Steel exporting coal from this area to international markets

Timika is a city in Indonesia and the capital of the province of East Nusa Tenggara. It is located on the island of Timor, south of Flores and near the Indonesian island of Atauro.

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This city is surrounded by villages including Tokama and Sibarani. Its population is estimated to be around 44,000 residents with many residents living in its suburbs.

Timika is a city in Indonesia and the capital of the province of East Nusa Tenggara. It is located on the island of Timor, south of Flores and near the Indonesian island of Atauro.

The city has an estimated population of 44,000 residents with many residents living in its suburbs.

The city’s main industry is mining, with companies such as Bumi Resources International Mining (BRIM), PT Gemas Jaya Berau (formerly PT Gemaco Indonesia) and PT Krakatau Steel exporting coal from this area to international markets.

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Timika’s economy relies heavily on tourism and agriculture. Banana plantations are found throughout the city, which also produces coffee beans, cloves, cocoa beans and rubber tree plantations.

Timika’s economy relies heavily on tourism and agriculture. Banana plantations are found throughout the city, which also produces coffee beans, cloves, cocoa beans and rubber tree plantations.

The city has a population of around 35,000 people who live in 235 villages.

A long trip from Sumatra

Timika is a city in Indonesia and the capital of the province of East Nusa Tenggara. It is located on the island of Timor, south of Flores and near the Indonesian island of Atauro.

The city was founded in 1906 when it was officially named “Rencana Reklamasi”. In 1972 it was renamed to its current name after being moved from its original position closer to Atauro Island (near what would become Jakarta). There are several theories for why this happened: one theory says that during World War II American soldiers wanted their base so close to Singapore because they knew how long it would take them to travel there from Darwin; another says that some officials didn’t want people from Jakarta coming into town too often because they thought it would disrupt trade between Australia and Indonesia; yet another has been proposed by historian Dr William J Baxter: he believes that someone had misheard “Timur” as “Timika” when making plans for moving their base camp here — which could explain why there wasn’t much interest shown initially amongst locals at first glance!


The trip to Timika was a long one. It was a bit stressful at times but it was worth it. I would recommend this trip if you are interested in seeing some local culture and being surrounded by nature

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