conspiracy theory that the earth is round or flat

conspiracy theory that the earth is round or flat


The earth is round or flat? We don’t know. This is the conspiracy theory that has everyone talking. Many people have strong opinions on the topic, and they aren’t afraid to share them. Some people believe the earth is flat, but most philosophers, scientists, and others have come up with evidence that points to a round shape. If we were to somehow Antarctica, or at least its coastlines (or even just one point), could we be able to see a circle around it?”

The earth is round or flat? We don’t know.

This is a difficult question to answer. We don’t know what shape the earth is, and there are many theories about its shape. Some people think that the earth is flat, and others believe it is round.

There are two main reasons why you might be interested in this topic:

  • You want to find out for yourself if your friends or family are right about their beliefs about how our planet looks like (e.g., if they think that our planet has only one side).
  • If you want some extra knowledge when talking with other people who believe differently than you do (e.g., if someone asks what exactly happens when we reach outer space), then this article will help!

This is the conspiracy theory that has everyone talking.

This is the conspiracy theory that has everyone talking. It’s a topic of debate, and it can get pretty heated. Do you believe Earth is round or flat? You may be surprised to know that there are many different theories out there on this topic, with each one having its own merits and drawbacks. In this article we’ll take a look at some of them:

  • The Earth Is A Sphere – This is the most popular theory among scientists today because they’ve been studying our planet for centuries and have yet to disprove it! We’ll explain why this makes sense in just a moment… but first let’s look at what would happen if we were wrong about this assumption about how big our planet really is!

Many people have strong opinions on the topic, and they aren’t afraid to share them.

Many people have strong opinions on the topic, and they aren’t afraid to share them.

People are passionate about their beliefs and will argue with anyone who doesn’t agree with them. They won’t hesitate to make their opinions known by sharing them on social media or in person in public places like coffee shops or libraries where it’s easy for others to overhear what you’re saying.

Some people believe the earth is flat, but most philosophers, scientists, and others have come up with evidence that points to a round shape.

It’s not just a few people who believe the earth is flat. There are many, many people who think this way. Some of them have scientific evidence for their belief; others don’t have any evidence at all.

There are also philosophers who believe that the earth is flat (or round). They argue that there is no proof that it’s round, so by definition it must be flat! But there are also scientists who disagree with this view, saying that if you look at all of your senses together and use logic as well as other forms of reasoning then there is no doubt about what shape our planet really is – round!

If we were to somehow Antarctica, or at least its coastlines, could we be able to see a circle around it?

If we were to somehow Antarctica, or at least its coastlines, could we be able to see a circle around it?

No. Antarctica is not a perfect circle. It’s more like an ellipse: an elongated shape that has only one axis of symmetry (the major axis). If Antarctica were actually a perfect sphere or cylinder, then you would have your answer—but it isn’t!

But why do people think this way? Well, when people first discovered that Earth was round in the 17th century and wrote about it in their books and journals, they mostly assumed that everything on our planet was flat because that’s what everyone else believed at the time: namely those who lived within easy reach of Europe’s coasts (which happened to include much of what later became known as North America). So even though there wasn’t any evidence against theories like “The Earth Is Flat,” some folks still held onto those beliefs until something better came along—which eventually did happen thanks largely due new technologies being invented by Europeans such as telescopes which allowed them for once again see beyond what others thought possible before then too!

It’s hard to know what can be proven about the shape of the earth.

It’s hard to know what can be proven about the shape of the earth. The earth is so big, and we have only been able to map it in part since humans started looking at it. Since then, our maps have gotten better and better as time goes on, but they still aren’t perfect. And if you want to know what happens after that—well…this is where things get tricky!

The earth was formed back around 4 billion years ago by a bunch of rocks falling together under gravity into one giant sphere called planet Earth.* We know this because there are rocks from those times still stuck inside us today (like your tooth). And we also know that life evolved on our planet before any other planets were even discovered yet.* So even though other planets may orbit other stars in space now (and there may be many more than just ours), we’re still pretty special in how old everything here seems compared with them all together when stacked up against each other.*

But wait: why would anyone believe such nonsense? Because no scientist ever found evidence supporting flatness or roundness before Copernicus did his “revolutionary” research back during Renaissance times!


It’s hard to know what can be proven about the shape of the earth. We may never be able to prove one way or another, but it would probably be a good idea for someone to keep an eye on this topic and see if they could learn anything new in the future.

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